Porn Hub Tiers and why this is another setback for adult performers who own their own content.
Porn Hub has now decided to roll out a new program called Tiers which is basically just an excuse to demonetize people who do not post regularly to the platform. Regardless of how many videos you have or how many views you get, if you do not upload at least once every six months, (which would be great for people who are active sex performers but not so much for retired ones, sick ones, or dead ones) you will lose the ability to make money off the content already uploaded to the site. Why is this bad for us and good for Pornhub?? It does not take a genius to know that they will make money in perpetuity off even the least viewed content on this site and then not have to pay the owners of the content at all. What if a performer dies and the ownership of the content is transferred to their next of kin or whomever they leave it to? Too bad, guys. Porn Hub will demonetize the content for lack of uploads. If other tube sites follow this line of thinking, this will be devastation to independent sex workers who decide they have shot enough content and want to live off residuals. This is a very bad thing for us.